by Creativity, Driven by Purpose
The union of Marieke and Sotiris is a genuine love story, a soulful connection that brought them together as divine partners. They have dedicated themselves to sharing their unique love with the world, working together to create paths of consciousness. They guide others in empowering their uniqueness & togetherness through the path of self-discovery, while celebrating the joy of co-creation in balance.
Through Nonsensevent, they develop meaningful and thoughtful guidance- & project-concepts for those who are living or visiting Crete - the powerful magical playground.
Their aim is to celebrate with all co-creators the dance of life in this world of duality – the joyful embrace of the Nonsense.
Sotiris & Marieke
Wisdom & Love for Universal Truth
"When we know that everything is in order,
we enjoy the cheerful Nonsense of our existence"
Love and Joy are our true purpose in Life
Marieke Rodehorst is the empathetic, perceptive and visionary entrepreneur behind Nonsensevent, who spent the first 30 years of her life in "cold-hard Germany."
Since childhood, she has felt a profound mission on Earth tied to her deep love for life, even when (or especially because) it seemed unfair to her for a long time.
Guided by her vision to create harmony and balance in humanity, she sought to understand everything. She tuned into different aspects of society, questioned everything she thought she knew, and reconsidered her role in it. This profound exploration led her to completely reinvent herself.
From working as a doctor’s assistant in a place of death to coordinating refugee assistance, planning events and weddings, and conducting ceremonies as officiant and ancient Greek inspired priestess, she has viewed life from diverse perspectives and faced numerous challenges.
She has delved into the darkest corners of fears and soared to the highest heights of her being, embracing her balanced, playful inner child to connect deeply with herself and the world around her.
When she arrived in Crete in 2017, she found her playground, where she experienced many of her milestones on her path to becoming the "coolest sock in universe."
Since her light was getting stronger, others asked her for guidance on their own paths. Through her deep understanding, love, divine connection and life-coaching-skills, Marieke guides them safely in their own clarity, balance and power.
On a very shiny day, she met her Greek counterpart, Sotiris, in a very magical way.
And now they play and create together in love and wisdom the playground of New Earth
Marieke Rodehorst
New Earth Mentor
for Re-Connectors & brave Life-Lovers

Be in the flow, be a real traveller
Sotiris Zafeiris is a New Earth mentor and mystic specializing in guiding visionaries, creators, and healers on a transformative journey. With a background steeped in awakening experiences and the wisdom of mystics and spiritual teachers, he has set up in the past various of businesses based on creative content, networking, designing and organising of events and workshops and a focus on the value of the Hellenic spirit with various awards in London-UK & Athens-Greece.
His mission is to support people tap into their inner power, unravel the mysteries of their mind and decode their beliefs and subconscious patterns through archetype meanings of local culture and nature.
He believes that everything in this world is a simulation, a repetitiveness of fractals and a hologram, an illusionary game of time and space. Being nobody is a good start to understand the nonsense of the repetitive Cosmos that explores itself from Chaos to order that indeed makes sense.
We make sense of our lives by realising the absolute Truth of the matrix duality world that is governed by the Laws of Nature and acting through Care.
Sotiris Zafeiris
New Earth Mentor
for Visionaires & Seekers
Our Philosophy
We feel that on this planet, all imbalances arise from people not knowing who they really are, lacking purpose, and failing to understand the laws of nature. In nature, everything acts with deep intelligence, engaging in a continuous and playful game known as life. This play allows life to unfold within the natural flow, experiencing itself through joy.
Joy and stability are two basic elements according to our philosophy, necessary to experience life to its fullest potential.
All work in life wisely in a seemingly nonsensical game of experience and transformation. This is precisely what gives our life meaning; it is what makes sense.
Humanity often takes life too seriously, confined within boxes that create imbalance in our world—stress, wars, pollution, injustice. We believe it is time, through our actions, to reconnect with the fundamental, fractal and holographic Nonsense of nature, with this joyful game of being, paving the way for a conscious and joyful life towards our evolution.
Therefore, we support and create conscious actions of Nonsense or playful life—that bring people together in connection for luxurious moments of experience and transformation. Through embracing the Nonsense, meanings emerge, and thus, it all makes sense.
Nonsensevent ensures guidance- and activity-concepts that allowing everyone to fully immerse themselves in joy.
We welcome you to join us on this amazing road called life, guiding us all toward an inner awakening to become beings who consciously enjoy life and together create a better world for us and future generations.

Our Dreams & Inspirations for the future
Our vision is to catalyze a global shift towards mindful awareness, where individuals recognize their uniqueness, the immense power of their minds, creativity and skills and unite for a thriving society.
"We envision a world where people revel in life's joys, collaborate harmoniously and honor our planet."
Through immersive guidance- and activity-concepts we have a mission to awaken individuals to their inner wisdom, foster a deep connection with Mother Earth, and cultivate a community of conscious individuals dedicated to shaping a brighter future together.
Join us in embracing this journey towards a more vibrant, interconnected world!

Our partners
We consider our partners part of Nonsensevent family. With more than 122 partners all around Crete from all kind of service providers, local community members, farmers, therapists, artists, villa- hotel and accommodation owners and specialists we can provide a complex network and concepts tailormade to your needs.
Are you in Crete and you want to join our Nonsensevent family as a partner?
Join our VALUES and PHILOSOPHY and if you align with us get in touch.